
When does YouthWorks 2023 start and when does it end?

Summer jobs begins on July 10, 2023 and ends on August 11, 2023.

How do I complete and attach documents to my application?

Go to the YouthWorks Home Page and click YOUTH or click this link. This page will show you what documents are needed, how to fill them out, and how to save and attach them to your application. There are short videos on the website to help you through the process

What required documents do I need to attach to my application?

(1)Birth certificate or Social Security card (only if it has not been attached in previous years)

(2)Identification (driver’s license or other Maryland state-issued ID, school ID, passport, recent report card)

(3)I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification)

(4)MW507 (MD Withholding Exemption Certificate)

(5)W-4 (Employee’s Withholding Certificate)

(6)Application Signature Page

(7)Payroll Form

(8)Work Permit (under the age of 18)

How will I know if YouthWorks received my application?

Once you have submitted your application, you will receive an email notifying you that your application has been submitted.

How will I be notified if my documents were not filled out correctly?

You will receive an email letting you know that your YW application is on hold and is incomplete. The email provides you with the missing or incomplete item(s). The missing document(s) must be placed into the Attachment section of your application. These must be provided by the application deadline.

How do I know I've completed my online documents correctly?

If your documents are completed correctly, you will receive an email with a verification receipt, confirming that your application has been reviewed and is considered complete.

How much will I be paid?

You will be paid minimum wage, which is $13.25 per hour this summer. Be aware you will have some taxes taken out for Medicare, Social Security, and you may have additional income taxes taken out depending on what you elected to withhold on your W4 and MW-507.

When will I be paid?

The first pay date is August 4, 2023. The second pay date is August 18, 2023. The last one is September 1, 2023.

How will I get my money

That depends on how you chose to disburse your pay; U.S. Bank Focus Card, Securityplus debit card, or your personal bank account. Review those sections of the FAQ for more guidance.

When will I hear if I have a job?

We will begin mailing letters in early June. You should hear from us in mid-June. We will also email and text you. Your placement letter will indicate the name of the program and someone from that organization will contact you prior to July 10, 2023.

Are the jobs in-person or virtual?

There will be both virtual and in-person job opportunities during the summer of 2023, but no positions that are hybrid (switching between virtual and in-person).

What are virtual jobs like?

Much like a traditional job, virtual work will not all be the same. In general, you can expect to connect through your computer, laptop, tablet, or phone. You will learn skills, and practice through various tasks. Some jobs will have an educational component or give you the chance to explore possible careers for your future.

What if I don’t have a computer or access to the internet and I am placed in a virtual job?

We may be able to help you but you need to let us know as soon as you can. Email us at summerjobs@baltimorecity.gov


When is the 2023 YouthWorks Youth application open?

The YouthWorks online application for youth is from January 3, 2023 to April 7, 2023.

Who can apply?

All YouthWorks applicants must be 14-21 on July 7, 2023 and reside in Baltimore City.


As a new applicant, how do I create a YouthWorks account?

New applicants must first go to the Youth Page click this link for Youth Page and scroll down to click “New Youth Click Here to Apply”. Next, read and click continue through a notice, agreement, and we suggest watching the How To Video. Once you go through the prompts you will reach the Youth Signup Form. At this point you will need to fill it out completely and click submit. Next, you will receive an email to verify the email you provided. This confirms that you made an account in the YouthWorks online system. This does not mean that you have completed your application.

You must click the link in the email that allows you to access the application, which you can then fill out. Once the application is completed correctly, you will then receive an email verifying application completion. Until you've received both of these emails, your application is not yet finished.

As a returning applicant, how do I login to my account?

Click the login button on the Home Page, then use the login information you have used for YouthWorks in the past.

I forgot my password what do I do?

On the Home Page click Log In, then click I Forgot My Password and the YouthWorks system will send you your current password to your email account. Once you are logged in you will then be able to access the YouthWorks application.

How much am I getting paid this year?

YouthWorks pays the state minimum wage. For 2023, that'll be $13.25 per hour. Participants may work up to 25 hours a week for five weeks.

I know where I want to work for the summer, what do I do?

If a worksite wants to work with you, you can provide them a copy of your YouthWorks approval email that you receive when we have approved your correctly completed application. They must then send that email to us to request to work with you. This all must occur by April 14, 2023 otherwise we cannot ensure we can honor your request.

Be aware that a worksite must be a YouthWorks worksite to host a YouthWorker. You must have applied for YouthWorks and received an approved email to get a YouthWorks job.

Hire Worksite

When is the 2023 YouthWorks Hire application open?

The YouthWorks Hire application opens January 3, 2023.

How is hiring a youth different from hosting a YouthWorker?

Hiring youth is different from hosting for several reasons:

  • Participants are pre-screened for skills and interests and receive job readiness training before referring them for interviews
  • Employers can interview candidates and decide who you would like to hire
  • We provide a job coach to ensure the program is beneficial for employers and youth
  • Employers pay for the youth


Can participants work more than 25 hours a week for five weeks?

All sites are required to provide at least 120 hours of work to participants over the five weeks, but YouthWorks welcomes providing youth as much work experience and opportunities to earn wages as possible. As long as you are able to cover the cost of additional time, we are happy to support you in providing more hours for any YouthWorker.

Do I have to pay minimum wage ($13.25 as of January, 2023)?

You are welcome and encouraged to pay more than minimum wage, but per state law, you must pay at least minimum wage.

What if I want to continue employing a YouthWorker after the summer program ends?

Please do! We have qualified candidates that are interested and able to stay longer than the summer. You can host the youth on your payroll or YouthWorks can handle the payroll if you send additional funds to support the youth's wage. Contact yw.private@baltimorecity.gov to discuss further.

Please notify us if this is a possibility before the summer starts, so we can pair you with one of those candidates.

Can I sponsor a youth to work at another venue?

Of course, in this case you are donating. First, email yw.private@baltimorecity.gov to identify the organization for which you want to sponsor placements.

Then donate to YouthWorks, by going to the Baltimore Civic Fund website Donation Page and fill out the form on that page.

Do you have flexible payroll options?

Employers can hire participants directly, or Baltimore City can be employer-of-record.

The minimum cost for YouthWorks to handle the youth's payroll is $2,100 per hire. This cost is for standard YouthWorks hours: 25 hours a week for 5 weeks. Costs will be higher if you want youth to work additional hours or weeks.

How do I get in touch with YouthWorks Private Sector team?

You can contact yw.private@baltimorecity.gov for questions or assistance.


Host Worksite

When is the 2023 YouthWorks Host application open?

The YouthWorks online application period for host sites is open through April 14, 2023

How can I request youth as a Worksite?

On the YouthWorks Worksite Application there will be a location to attach your request list. You must provide a youth’s verification receipt demonstrating they are interested in your worksite and that all their documents have been approved. The deadline to make all official youth requests is April 14.


How do I make a donation?

To donate to YouthWorks, go to the Baltimore Civic Fund website Donation Page and fill out the form on that page.

Debit PayCard

How do I know if I'm getting paid on a debit PayCard?

You select your method of payment for the YouthWorks job during your verification appointment. The default method is the debit PayCard, but you could also have signed up your personal bank account or opened a Securityplus checking/savings account at your verification appointment. If you receive an assignment letter, your method of payment will be outlined on that.

During the job, YouthWorkers will receive their debit PayCard or a letter reminding them that they signed up for their pay on their personal bank account or Securityplus card.

When and how will I get my debit PayCard?

If you are participating in YouthWorks, YouthWorks will send you notice of how to expect to receive your debit card via email. It will arrive before your first payday.

Can I use my card from last year?

If you received a debit PayCard in a previous year and are working with YouthWorks this year, your pay for this year will not be tied to your debit PayCard from any prior year. The only exception would be if you activated your card for direct deposit and used its account and routing number to sign up to have your pay deposited onto. This is a work-intensive process, so if you don't remember doing this, then you probably did not do it and will receive your pay on a new debit PayCard.

How does my debit PayCard work? What are the fees and terms of it?

Check out the U.S. Bank Focus Card Info Sheet for answers to quick answers to questions on how it works here. More specific information about your debit PayCard and its fee schedule (subject to change) can be found at this link.


How do I know if I'm getting my pay in a Securityplus checking/savings account?

You select your method of payment for the YouthWorks job when applying for YouthWorks. SecirityPlus Banking partners will contact you during their enrollment period so that you can open an account. If you are unable to open an account, you will receive a U.S. Bank Focus Card. The default method is the debit PayCard, but you could also have signed up your personal bank account or opened a Securityplus checking/savings account.

If you choose a Securityplus checking/savings account and you receive an assignment letter, your method of payment will be outlined on that.

In addition, during the job YouthWorkers will receive their debit PayCard or a letter reminding them that they signed up for their pay on their personal bank account or Securityplus card.

Can I sign up for a Securityplus checking/savings account after my verification appointment and receive my YouthWorks pay on it?

No, unfortunately there is a 2 week enrollment period to register online and provide the necessary documentation.

I signed up for a Securityplus account, but I got an email saying it was denied. What happened?

There are various reasons why you may have signed up for a Securityplus account, but it could not be opened. To find out more information about your specific situation, you can contact Securityplus at 410-281-6200 (Toll Free: 1-866-472-2758) or email comments@securityplusfcu.org.

I signed up with Securityplus last year, can I get my pay into that account?

Yes, but you must actively sign up for that account during your YouthWorks verification appointment. If you do not, you will not receive your pay into that account.

To do so, you must follow the YouthWorks process for signing up with your own personal bank account. This includes getting a "Direct Deposit Authorization Form" from Securityplus.

To find out more information about the status of your old Securityplus account, you can contact Securityplus at 410-281-6200 (Toll Free: 1-866-472-2758) or email comments@securityplusfcu.org.

How does my Securityplus account work? What are the fees and terms of my checking/savings account?

More information about your account can be found on the Securityplus Account Q&A


How do I know if I'm getting paid on my personal bank account?

You selected your method of payment for the YouthWorks job at time of your application submission. The default method is the debit PayCard, but you could also have signed up your personal bank account or opened a Securityplus checking/savings account. If you receive an assignment letter, your method of payment will be outlined on that.

During the job, youth will receive either a debit PayCard or a letter reminding them that they signed up for their pay on their personal bank account or Securityplus card.

Can I sign up with my personal bank account after my verification appointment?

No, it is too late to change your method of payment after you submit your application, except in the rare cases described in the next question.

Oh no! My bank account closed, what happens to my pay?

If your account closes, you should contact YouthWorks as soon as possible to inform us. If you get in touch with us before your job begins, we can switch your payment method to the debit PayCard. If things take too long, we may have to pay you by check, which we will have you it to you from our office for each pay period.

If your account closes and you do not inform us (especially if it is between paydays), there is a chance you will be issued an off-cycle check, which will be processed on the Friday after the payday, which means you will receive your pay late.

How does my personal bank account work?

YouthWorks does not know the specific terms of any particular accounts. You should contact your bank/credit union to learn more about the financial product you selected.